Monday, July 25, 2011


Had a great Sunday. Lindsey, Connor and I took my mom to Midland to catch her plane back home. Lindsey was so excited to see "civilization" as she calls it. Midland has everything you can imagine from food places, movie, Home Depot, a mall. So, Lindsey was overjoyed to see that she wasn't too far from all the material things she desires and feels she needs.

Airport was small but quaint. My mom got back home without any issues. Other than losing her toothpaste and lotion at the security checkpoint. Someone must have had dry hands and needed to brush their teeth.

Scott got some things set up and done while I was gone. Got everything ready for his first day as Captain Mac.

Did I say we had a great Sunday, well we did until we discovered the AC is broke! least we Desert Dwellers have NO humidity...gotta be thankful for some things!

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