Tuesday, July 26, 2011

My Desert Sunrise

This is what I saw when I looked out my front door this morning after Scott left for work at 7:00. Words just can't describe that view.

Well today was eventful, I finally feel like we are getting somewhere with all this stuff. Internet was installed by 11 as well as our home phone line. It didn't seem as hot in here today as it has been, so I was able to put some things up in the kitchen. Lindsey and I got out and went to Walmart and got some things we needed for the house. Namely another fan!

Went to KFC/Taco Bell today and that was a trip....We placed our order and of course if you know Lindsey that is a task within itself. So the lady reads it back to us and it was correct. We get to the window and she asks us what we ordered, so we tell her..Grilled Chicken Boneless Fillet was one of the items. She leaves, comes back gives me a taco salad and burrito. Then she brings us a grilled breast and a breaded breast..not boneless. I tell her this is not our order. We watch as they talk in Spanish back and forth then she comes back and says oh that will be 6 minutes, please pull up. Ok...at this point I am beginning to think we aren't going to get what we ordered. In the car we sit for 10 minutes, no order. So, I go in and ask the manager for our order, more Spanish and confusion. Then he says, we don't have the grilled boneless fillets anymore. REALLY? ARE YOU FREAKING KIDDING ME? He hands me the breaded boneless fillets and apologizes. I said, I sat out there for 20 minutes for you to tell me you don't have what I was supposedly waiting on....GIVE ME A BREAK. Now to tell Lindsey that her beloved boneless grilled chicken breast is not going to happen. The fun never ends. She took it fairly well, but was really wanting that chicken.

About 1:30, I still hadn't heard from the AC guy, so I give him a call to see if this thing is getting fixed today. His wife says, "Oh I have no idea he didn't say anything, let me call him".
I am thinking, if this was your AC and you were in his ear bitching all the time, I bet you would know something. She calls me back about 10 minutes later says he was waiting on a blower motor and it has arrived so he was headed to get it and then come to my house. An hour and a half later, here he comes. Don't know if you all know this but Fort Stockton, isn't that big that it takes more than 5 minutes to get from one place to the next. But nonetheless, he arrives, Lindsey opens the door, I am standing there too and he walks right by us, no hello, kiss my butt, screw you, nothing! After a few bangs and screwdriver noises, he says it is done and goodbye. When Scott went to his interview, the warden told him the work ethic here is different. They have a "get to it" kind of attitude. I understand exactly what the warden meant after dealing with a few of these people. But again, he was about to "get to" see my attitude if this wasn't fixed today. But....AC is working :)

Well it's 4:46 and soon Capt. McQuary will be home to tell me about his day. I will keep you all posted.

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