Sunday, July 24, 2011

Day Two

Day 2 of our desert adventures. Our furniture was suppose to be here at noon but after a few calls we discovered it wouldn't actually get here until 7 or 8 pm. Try explaining that to 3 kids. Needless to say, we were not going to sit in this house all day on the floor. Desert Dwellers we may be, but I need a chair. :)

We loaded everyone up in the car and went on a ride. We rode out to the prison and showed the kids and my mom where Scott will be perpetrating employment as Captain McQuary. Then we took a ride down a dirt road (Jason Aldean) to Alpine. Along the way we reminisced about the movie "The Hangover", never fails that movie gets us all laughing and cracking jokes. Then we discovered that Connor had dropped a yellow gummy candy in the seat and Lindsey was sitting on it. Have you ever seen a yellow gummy melted and smashed into the butt of someone's jeans? It looks like snot, just in case you didn't know. So she is leaning into the front seat asking Scott and I to help her get it off her pants. I am driving and trying to use a napkin to remove the sticky mess from her butt. The napkin is sticking to her jeans and the gummy. Can you envision this? Now she has yellow sticky gummy and white napkin stuck to her butt. We were getting no where with this. :)

After an hour and a half on the dirt desert road, a gummy mess later we make it to Alpine. Lovely, lovely little town. Scott and I have been through this town every time we came to visit Mom (S's mom) but we never explored it further than passing through to get to our final destination. We discovered it is a fairly large town and very charming. As we are looking around Lindsey asked if we can go see the donkey's at Jackassic Park. I took her there last year when I came to see Mom before Scott and I were married.

At Jackassic Park, the kids got to pet and love on the donkeys and see a 5 month old baby miniature donkey. (photos to come later)

After being there a short time, we got a call that our movers were getting closer so we decided we needed to head back home.

Next up: the arrival of the moving company with our be posted later today.

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