Friday, July 29, 2011

Thursday--Road Trip To Midland

Midland trip was fairly uneventful. We went to Walmart, Target, had lunch at Cracker Barrel, per Ms. Linz Thang's request. Then went to the movies. Lindsey and I saw, "Friends with Benefits", cute but sometimes too much detail about sex. Connor slept through almost the whole movie. It had a sweet ending, left me in tears. Travis saw Horrible Bosses, and from the sounds of that I am quite sure it was a horrible but funny movie.

We got home about 6:00 pm, and the Captain came in shortly after that. Things are getting much better for him at the unit. He is getting more acclimated and getting things handled. The warden asked him if he was married to a Hispanic, he of course said no. The warden said he was screwed then. :) Apparently, the Hispanic workers like or accept the white bosses better if they have an Hispanic partner. Kind of a culture acceptance, if you will. So, guess I am going to get a really dark tan and learn Spanish real quick like.....NOT! Haven't met a Hispanic person that didn't like me yet. Of course, I could have told Scott that he can tell them I am not Hispanic but I have Hispanic family....(Norma Stephens, Jennifer Montez) maybe that will work. You think?

Things are moving along fine here on the home front. Getting things put up, turned on, addresses changed, billing info changed. Connor has adjusted just fine, has a great time riding his Lightning McQueen car all over the house and back deck. His speech has really improved since his surgery, he talks all the time. Repeats everything. He has his own room but his bed hasn't arrived yet. We got him one from Walmart....A twin Lightning McQueen car bed. Will post pics once I get his room all set up. The kid loves Lightning McQueen. Can spot anything with that on it in any store from anywhere. Unreal.

Lindsey is adjusting, finding cute boys everywhere...UGH!

Big adventures tomorrow, we are taking Connor out to Terlingua, to my MOM-inlaws. This will be their first meeting. Then she is going to come home with us and stay the night or maybe a few days. Looking forward to seeing her, I miss her so much and love that we live so close to her now. Still loving my little desert paradise.

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Catch you later!


  1. I miss y'all. I'm glad everything is going well though! XOXO. -Britt

  2. Jenny,
    You have GOT to go to Taco Villa. They have fabulous burritos but watch out for the Salsa. It comes containers like sealed coffee creamer and when you pull the lid off it will 'burp' on you. YOu have been warned LOL - Vall
