Saturday, July 23, 2011

It's Official

At 8:17 pm on July 22, 2011, the McQuary's are officially Fort Stockton residents or "desert dwellers" as we have been named. When we got out of the car and smelled the beautiful desert rain, it all became real. We are here. Our new adventure has begun.

We stayed in a hotel last night and the movers are scheduled to be here today with all our furniture. Lindsey is a little shell shocked right now and Connor has no clue what this is all about. Scott managed to ride his motorcycle the whole 10 hours here, sunburned and exhausted he vows never to ride that far in one day again.

We miss and love everyone that we left back in Dayton. So many of you have left a forever mark on our hearts and souls. We thank you for all you have done for us as a couple and individually. You are each a part of our family now. We did leave behind our daughter Kaitlyn and granddaughter Kara, we miss and love you both. Be forewarned peeps we will be back to see you.

Monday is Scott's first day at work....stay tuned for more exciting news and pictures from the "Desert Dwellers"....

1 comment:

  1. I am very excited for your new journey together. I hope your neighbors and co-workers know how lucky they are. I know I speak for many when I say the McQuary's will be deeply missed in this part of Texas! Love y'all.
